Children of God

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.
1st John 3:1

The greek word that is translated as ‘love’ in 1st John 3:1 is the word agapē. Agapē love is unconditional. In this verse the context implies that His love is so great because we don’t deserve the gift and affection of being His child.

We don’t deserve to be a child of God. Yet that is what we are.

Imagine an artist makes an amazing piece of art and then adopts it as his child. That’s weird but it is a possibility in our time. Now imagine an artist makes a piece of art that turns out worse than he originally created it to be, then he adopts it. That’s insane.

But when it comes to being the adopted child of the Creator of the universe, we take that for granted.

As created beings that almost always choose ourselves over Him, we don’t deserve anything from God but to be thrown away.

Yet He loves us, and made a way for us to be His children through Jesus.

There are no words to describe how astonishing that truly is. Being a child of God should be so freeing that we are unrecognizable.

How graceful will we be when we truly understand who we are in Christ? How generous will be we when we realize that our father owns all the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10)? How sacrificial will we be when we truly comprehend how costly the sacrifice of Jesus was for us to be children of His Father?

Children of God start to care less about the comforts of this world and start to care more about the hearts, souls, and minds of the people around them.

Will the revelation of being a son or daughter of God change you?

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